Hey girl, welcome to my little corner of the world!

This is the week. The week I decided to take action on my dreams! I made the leap to go full time into my photography career, and let my career as a NICU nurse take a bit of a backseat.
And let me tell ya… IT FEELS SO GOOD! I let the weight of this decision weigh me down for too long. All those end of the world scenarios, your girl here had them.

What will my parents think? Or my husband’s parents? Or my nursing coworkers? OR my mothers-brothers-twice removed sister?
Holy-guacamole! There are way too many people to be worried what they all think. Seven and a half billion to be exact!
That’s way too many opinions to worry about girlfriend!

You know what I kept coming back to? Soulful living.
This phrase I chose as my word of the year. (yeah, I couldn’t pick just one word). I want to live a life that lights my dang heart of fire! You know what fills my soul? My loved ones, our church, community with friends, the outdoors, being active, my fur babies, and you guessed it, photography.

I will always be proud of being a nurse in the NICU. Those sweet babies will always have a special place in my heart. But juggling two jobs as both a nurse and photographer left no room for anything else. I have worked almost everyday for over a year. Whether you love what you do or not, working everyday is just not what I would call soulful living.
So here I am taking the plunge into the unknown and doing it courageously scared! Thank you for coming on this journey with me.
I could not do it without the cheerleaders in my life and YOU! Thank the Lord I have a supportive husband that is my number one fan in whatever I do. I could tell the man I wanted to do underwater basket weaving and he would figure out a way to make that happen…We live in the desert, so good luck with that babe!

I hope this space is one where you gain the courage and real-life tips to fill your life’s journey with adventure.
That might mean traveling somewhere you never dreamed was possible (or sane), planning a super rad wedding experience, or trying a new, fun-filled date night with your love!
Above all, I hope this space is one that inspires you to be the most stinkin’ awesome version of yourself!